Before availing the services offered by 1 Click Capital (Powered by CHP Finance Private Ltd), hereinafter referred to as "1 Click Capital," it is crucial to thoroughly read and comprehend the following terms and conditions.

1. Loan Approval and Disbursal
  • The approval and disbursal of the loan are solely at the discretion of 1 Click Capital, contingent upon documentation and verification in accordance with the company's requirements.
  • Meeting the minimum eligibility criteria does not guarantee approval, and 1 Click Capital reserves the right to reject any loan application without providing detailed justification.
2. Documentation and Verification
  1. Applicants are required to submit accurate and complete documentation as part of the loan application process.
  2. 1 Click Capital reserves the right to verify the information provided by the applicant through various means, including third-party agencies, credit bureaus, and other relevant sources.
3. Approval Criteria
  • Loan approval is based on various factors, including but not limited to creditworthiness, financial stability, and adherence to 1 Click Capital's internal policies
  • Factors such as income, employment status, credit history, and other relevant information may be considered during the approval process
  • The sanction of the loan shall stand revoked and cancelled in any of the following circumstances:
    • If there is any material change in the process on the basis of which the loan has been offered or,
    • If the documents(s) submitted by you and the information contained in the document(s) are not in confirmation with the information provided in the application form submitted by you and/or,
    • Any other reason at the sole discretion of the 1 Click Capital, if based on its assessment, there is a perceived risk associated with extending the loan.
4. Communication of Approval and Terms
  • Upon approval, 1 Click Capital will communicate the terms and conditions of the loan, encompassing interest rates, repayment schedules, and any applicable fees.
  • Applicants are strongly advised to thoroughly review and comprehend the terms before accepting the loan offer.
5. Repayment Terms
  1. Borrowers are responsible for repaying the loan amount according to the agreed-upon schedule.
  2. Failure to make timely payments or non-payment may result in the imposition of Penal Charges/Late Payment Charges, and 1 Click Capital reserves the right to take appropriate legal action to recover the outstanding amount.
6. Right to Modify Terms

1 Click Capital reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of loan approval, disbursal, and repayment at any time. Any alterations will be communicated to the borrower in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

7. Legal Compliance
  • The approval and disbursal of loans are subject to strict compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
  • 1 Click Capital retains the right to reject or cancel a loan application if it determines, at its sole discretion, that the approval would violate any applicable laws or regulations.

By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. For any questions or concerns, please contact us at contactus@1clickcapital.com.


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The “Content” (material, information, forms, data, money market movements, news items, or any other text or graphics, etc.) contained on this website is provided for general information only and should not be used as a basis for making business/commercial decisions.

You are advised to exercise due caution and/or seek independent professional advice before entering into any investment or financial obligation based on the Content contained on this website. 1 Click Capital (Powered by CHP Finance Private Limited) is not liable for any decision taken based on these information. Use of the products or services described in this website may not be permitted in some countries and if in doubt, you should check with your local regulator or authority before requesting further information on such products/services. Products and Services are available only at the discretion of 1 Click Capital(Powered by CHP Finance Private Limited), subject to the respective contractual terms and conditions governing such products and services which may be withdrawn or amended at any time by 1 Click Capital(Powered by CHP Finance Private Limited) without notice. The full range of products or services may not be available in all locations. If you are interested in any of 1 Click Capital (Powered by CHP Finance Private Limited) products, please contact us so that we may advise you thoroughly as per our policy at that time

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1. Background

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), had vide its “Master Direction-Reserve Bank of India (Non-Banking Financial Company-Scaled Based Regulation) Directions, 2023 (updated as on November 10, 2023)”, advised the Boards of Non-Banking Finance Companies(“NBFC”) to lay out appropriate internal principles and procedures in determining interest rates, processing and other charges. Further, the directives states that The Board of each NBFC shall adopt an interest rate model taking into account relevant factors such as cost of funds, margin and risk premium and determine the rate of interest to be charged for loans and advances. The rate of interest and the approach for gradations of risk and rationale for charging different rate of interest to different categories of borrowers shall be disclosed to the borrower or customer in the application form and communicated explicitly in the sanction letter.

Keeping in view the RBI Guidelines cited above, the following internal guiding principle and interest rate model are therefore laid out by the Board of 1 Click Capital(Powered by CHP Finance private Limited (the “Company”). This policy should always be read in conjunction with RBI guidelines, directives, circulars and instructions. The Company will apply best industry practices so long as such practice does not conflict with or violate RBI guidelines.

The policy of the Company for determining Interest Rates, Processing and Other Charges is as follows:

2. Interest Rate:
  1. The interest rate and yield for each of the loan product would be decided by company from time to time.
  2. The rate of interest shall be determined based on the cost of borrowed funds, matching tenor cost, market liquidity, refinance avenues, offerings by competition, tenure of customer relationship, cost of disbursements (Cost of Fund). In addition to the cost of funds, the rate of interest shall further be determined based on the inherent credit and default risk in the products and customer per se arising from customer segment, profile of the customers, professional qualification, stability in earning and employment and repayment ability, overall customer yield, risk premium, nature and value of primary and collateral securities, past repayment track record of the customers, external ratings of the customers, industry trends etc.
  3. The Company may adopt an interest rate model whereby the rate of interest for same product and tenor availed during same period might differ from customer to customer depending upon consideration of any or combination of a few or all factors listed out in point (b) above. Hence, the interest rate applied would be different from customer to customer on his/ her loans.
  4. The rate of interest would be intimated to the customer. The interest rates would be offered on fixed and variable basis. The interest rate would be computed on daily balances basis and charged on daily /weekly/monthly rest or such other rest as the Company decides in accordance with applicable rules and regulations.
  5. Interest rates shall be intimated to the customers at the time of sanction/ availing of the loan and the equated installments apportionment towards interest and principal dues shall be made available to the customer.
  6. Interest changes would be prospective in effect and intimation of change of interest, if any, or other charges would be communicated to the customers.
  7. In case deemed fit, the Company may consider necessary moratorium for interest payment and repayment of principal with proper built-in pricing.
  8. In case of staggered disbursements, the rate of interest would be subjected to review and the same may vary according to the prevailing rate at the time of disbursement or as may be decided by the Company.
  9. The interest rates would be hosted on the Company’s website and updated from time to time
3. Penal Charges /Late payment charges
  • Besides normal interest, the Company may collect penal charges / late payment charges for any delay or default in making payments of any dues. These penal charges / late payment charges for different products or facilities would be decided by the Company from time to time.
  • No claims for refund or waiver of such charges / penal charges would normally be entertained by the Company and it is the sole discretion of the Company to deal with such requests if any.
4. Processing /Documentation and Other charges

All processing / documentation and other charges recovered would be expressly stated in the Loan documents. They may vary based on the loan product, exposure limit, customer segment, geographical location and generally represent the cost incurred in rendering the services to the customers. The practices followed by other competitors in the market would also be taken into consideration while deciding the charges.

5. Others

The interest rate models and other charges applicable shall be reviewed by the Authorized Committee periodically and make suitable recommendations to the Board.


1. Overview:

1 Click Capital (Powered by CHP Finance Private Limited), (“Company”) believes in conducting its affairs in a fair and transparent manner by maintaining the highest levels of integrity, honesty and ethical behavior while dealing with its customers (“Customers”).

In compliance with the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”), as applicable to non-banking financial companies, for maintenance of an appropriate grievance redressal mechanism within the organization to resolve the complaints and grievances of its customers, the Company has formulated this Grievance Redressal Policy (“Policy”) setting out the procedure for receiving, registering and disposing of the complaints and grievances of the Customers with respect to the products and services of the Company (“Complaints”).

This Policy aims to provide a framework to deal with the Complaints of the Customers in a fair and transparent manner and educate the Customers about the processes to be followed to lodge a Complaint with the Company and/or the RBI.

2. Purpose:

The purpose of the Policy is to ensure that:

  • the Customers are treated fairly and without bias, at all times.
  • the Complaints raised by the Customers are dealt with courtesy and resolved in a timely manner.
  • the Customers are informed of the avenues to escalate their Complaints within the Company.
  • the Customers are informed of their rights so that they can opt for alternative remedies if they are not fully satisfied with the Company’s response or resolution to their Complaints.
3. Process of Grievance Redressal:

The Customers who have any Complaint, can follow the following process for its redressal:

Primary Level:

The Customers who intend to file a Complaint, may file their Complaint with the Company by using any of the following channels between 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on any working day of the Company and furnishing complete details in relation to such Complaint:

  • Register the Complaint in a complaint register / complaint box, which is available at corporate office of the Company;
  • Email at contactus@1clickcapital.com/ Info@1clickcapital.com
  • Call on 180 05325 200; or
  • Write to the Company at the below mentioned address: 1 Click Capital (Powered by CHP Finance Private Limited), 701-702, wing A, Supreme Business Park, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai-400076. Kind Attention: Customer Service Team.
Secondary Level:

In case, the Complaint is not resolved within 7 (Seven) working days from the date of filing of the Complaint or the Customer is not satisfied with the response or the resolution provided to the Customer at primary level, the Customer may escalate the Complaint to the Grievance Redressal Officer of the Company Ms Hemshree Shukla, Contact No 022-69216914, Email Id hemshree.shukla@1clickcapital.com.

Escalation Matrix:
  1. In case, the Customer is not satisfied with the response or the resolution provided to it by the Grievance Redressal Officer of the Company at Secondary Level, or the Complaint is still not resolved within the period of 15 (Fifteen) working days from the date of receipt of the Complaint by the Grievance Redressal Officer of the Company, the Customer may appeal to the Principal Nodal Officer Mr. Shivaji Pradhan at Contact No: 9910553050 Email Id: shivaji.pradhan@1clickcapital.com.
  2. If the Customer is not satisfied with the response or the resolution provided to it or the Complaint is still not resolved within the period of 30 (Thirty) working days from the date of receipt of the Complaint by Principal Nodal Officer, the Customer may appeal to NBFC Ombudsman at: Officer- in-Charge Reserve Bank of India, RBI Byculla Office Building, Opp. Mumbai Central Railway Station, Byculla, Mumbai – 400 008.
4. Redressal of the Complaints:
  • The Customers are advised to file the Complaint by furnishing complete details of the same to the Company.
  • Upon receipt of the Complaint by the Company, the acknowledgement along with a complaint identification number and the details of the designated officer, who will be dealing with the Complaint, shall be provided to the Customer within 3 (Three) working days from the date of receipt of such Complaint.
  • The Company shall provide the necessary clarification / justification with respect to the Complaint, to the satisfaction of the Customer and take all appropriate measures to resolve the Complaint.
  • In case any additional time is required for resolution of the Complaint, the Company shall inform the Customer about the requirement of such additional time along with the expected timelines for the resolution of such Complaint.
  • The designated officer of the Company shall ensure that all Complaints filed by the Customers are resolved within the stipulated time frame.
  • A record of all Complaints filed by the Customers and the response or resolution provided by the Company shall be maintained by the Company
5. General:

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Policy, the Company shall ensure compliance with any additional requirements as may be prescribed under any laws/regulations either existing or arising out of any amendment to such laws/regulations or otherwise and applicable to the Company from time to time.

6. Review:
  • This Policy is subject to review by the board of directors of the Company as and when deemed necessary. The board of directors of the Company shall annually review the functioning of the grievance redressal mechanism.
  • This Policy shall be subject to the applicable laws including but not limited to the rules, regulations, guidelines, directives and instructions issued by the RBI, from time to time and shall supersede the earlier version of the Policy. Any change/amendment in applicable laws with regard to maintenance of an appropriate grievance redressal mechanism shall be deemed to be incorporated in this Policy by reference and this Policy shall be deemed to have been amended and revised accordingly.
7. Disclosure

This policy shall be uploaded on the website of the Company at https://www.1clickcapital.com